Let me just say: I have such sweet friends.
I know that I can't convince you by saying it. But who wouldn't like a thoughtful friend who thinks of you seeing this cute crafting pack (and some masking tape!):
On the inside it's full a crafty goodness. Buttons, Embroidery Threads, Filling, Sewing equipment (needles, Yarn etc.), patterns and some really really cute pieces of fabric.
I love it! (As well as this cute button design on the outside!)
Thank you thank you so much!
(I just noticed: This post is short. But apart of its length it contains quite a lot "cute's" :D)
Cuuuuuuuuuuuute!!!! Das ist echt toll! So was Niedliches! Ich versuche auch schon seit einiger Zeit Vögelchen zu nähen...hat aber noch nich so richtig geklappt...(bin nich so gut darin...-__-) Sind die Blumen da eigentlich echt? Sie sehen toll aus! (wenn nicht echt: woher?) ;) Liebste Grüße!!! Die Hanna