Montag, 6. Februar 2012


...not at my blog but right here.

I'm following this blog (quietly) for quite a while by now. It's super cute. I love the design (she's a graphic designer!) and it has a great mixture of food-, craft-, photo- and every-days-life posts.
I can just recommend: Have a look! :)
(And a link to her Etsy-Shop)

Something not related to the giveaway but worth sharing:
I made this for a good friend of  mine. I already made several of those. But this one is definitely my favourite:

Inspiration from: here

And last but not least: 
Did I say I kill every plant? Well. This one made it through for over three month by now. (Impressive isn't it!?) And it actually grew that much, that I had to change its flowerpot (The old on is the white one with the lace) While walking through the store (it felt like heaven for me. All green, warm and humid)  I discovered those three little pots. I couldn't just pass them. So now, here I am with three little pots. I think something will come to my mind soon ;)

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