So. Today it's my mothers boyfriends birthday. Shhh. No one will tell how old he is. That's the secret about it ;)
Because I didn't know what to give as a present...I made a cake :)
Normally I'm pretty good at it. However this time it turned out to be...well, let's say complicated.
The recipe is from a good friend of mine. He made the cake just two days ago for our IT class at school. It was awesome. I had to make it. I did.
This was the message he got after my cake went successfully into the oven:
"So damit du was zum lachen hast:
Ich hab (nach deiner ausführlichen sms^^)
einfach mla 3 Eier rein gemacht.
Irgendwie hatte ich zu viel Mehl drin.
Das war zu trocken.
Also hab ich Milch reingeschüttet.
Der Teig den ich dann hatte, hat mich stark an
Matschepampe von früher erinnert.
Nachdem in den dann erfolgreich in meine Schüssel
gezwungen...äh...zerstrichen habe, war der streusel
(ach genau, es sollten ja streusel werden -.-)
viiiiiiiiel zu matschig.
Tja da halfen auch kein Mehl und Zucker mehr.
Egal wer hat schon was gegen Matsch-Streusel?!
Iregndwie hatte ich außerdem zu viel Obst.
Aber egal.
Wer will nicht eigentlich einen Kuchen der nur aus Obst
besteht?! So gesund!
Tjaaaaaa. ich kann zumindestens sagen, dass
er gut riecht^^
und nächstesmal bastelst du mir am besten eine
Videoanleitung. Dann kann nix schiefgehen ;)"
I was frustrated. Really. I'm normally not that bad! (That was a first!)
Anyway. At the didn't look as bad as I had feared. It actually looked pretty good. And having your whole house smelling like apple-crumble-cake is awesome!
(Btw. I Don't know why my font size gets so small down here. If I copy it into the text above it's all right. not down here though...don't know. Oh and it was ONE egg that had to go inside. Oups...)
(Btw. I Don't know why my font size gets so small down here. If I copy it into the text above it's all right. not down here though...don't know. Oh and it was ONE egg that had to go inside. Oups...)

My crumble-cake. And my happy sponsor for this disastrous recipe ;)
Btw: (second): It's about -11°C!!!!! Minus!!!!!
That's freezing!
P.S.: remember this post (Lino cuts)? If you want to know how it's done correctly, have a look over here!
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