This is what it looks like:
You'll need this:
And this is how I did it:
I used a soap rack from IKEA which I got some time ago on one of my shopping trips. It just happened to fall into my big blue bag :) and I thought "Who knows what I'll use it for!?"Turned out: I'd use it for my lamp.
Unfortunately I did not make step-by-step photos. I didn't know myself what I was going to do and while I was doing it I was so absorbed I did not even think about photos (Well, I did. But I was too lazy to make any.)
So now you have to cope with some silly doodles, photos and your imagination. It really wasn't that hard!
Though I really like how it turned out.
Deine gefällt mir aber auch echt gut! Und so viel einfacher :D
AntwortenLöschenGanz liebe Grüße Jo :)