Well. Doesn't this look yummy!?
I already posted a sneak peek before. But now I made the cake again and this time remembered to post it.
I l-o-v-e this cake. It's moist, sweet but not to sweet, chocolaty, easy and fast to make and everything else an awesome cake has to be. I found the recipe here but made a few changes after my first attempt.
First of all I just made half of the cake-butter amount. It's really rich! (Also the frosting amount cooperated better with less batter)
The other thing: I separated the eggs and added the (now beaten) egg white at the end. I think it just made the cake a little bit fluffier ;)
(I also did not have any baking soda so I just went with baking powder. Worked as well)
For the frosting I used a simple cream cheese frosting recipe
30g butter, softened
80g cream cheese, softened
1 1/2 cups (240g) icing sugar
beat butter and cream cheese.
Add the icing sugar slowly.
Ready :)
(out of my Australian Women's Weekly (easy Cupcakes by colour) )
Tip for separating the two halves of your cake:
slightly cut around the cake (were you want it to be cut later)
Use a nylon thread. Place it around the cake in the area cut before. Cross over when the two ends are meeting and pull slowly.
The nylon thread will perfectly separate your two halves. Level and even.
And just because I love it:
Bonne apétit! :)
Und noch ein tiefgründiges Update:
Während ich gerade so durch die Blogger-Welt spaziert bin.
Aber taucht man *schwups* in die Blogger-Welt kann man durch wahre Gärten der Kreativität laufen. Ich trau mich schon gar nicht mehr meine Lieblings-Blog-Liste zu erweitern aus Angst das sie nie wieder aufhören wird.
So viel Tiefgründiges also zum heutigen Samstag.
Sehr schöner blog :)
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