Montag, 2. April 2012

DIY: Custom doily cotton bag

I actually had planned to visit some museums with my dad but it turned out they all are closed on Monday. We'll do it on Thursday. And because the weather is still not back to those spring-like-temperatures and I still have ways to much on my to do list I just thought I'd share my last (well not last but I did it last week) project.

Idea from here. Thank you!

You'll need:

  • fabric paint
  • brush (hard one worked for me)
  • cotton bag
  • paper doilies

Place some cardboard inside your bag (This is super important!).
Place your paper doily on your bag. Paint.
I was a little afraid I would paint to harsh and those tiny pieces would not come out accurate. You have to be gentle. It worked.

Remove and let dry. (Just follow the instructions on your paint) I used DEKA perm Deck black.
After it was dry it said I had to iron it for three minutes. That's it. Easy peasy.
And I love how it turned out!

And because it is so beautiful that I had to share it:
What I woke up to yesterday

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