Donnerstag, 4. April 2013

And than...

As much as I enjoyed all the experiences I made in India (Hey I got to teach!! How awesome is that!? And I faced so many fears that I feel like there won't be any left...I'm already proven wrong but I still faced all of them!) and as much I grew with it, I didn't stay for the two and a half month I had planned on staying.
(Ugh, other fear faced. Here we go with truth)

There are a lot of personal reasons involved which I'm not going to share on my blog. India taught me the lesson that there are differences between going through with things and accepting that everyone has certain limits. It also showed me that there is no point in running away from things.
Anyway, I found my personal limit for now.
I'm sure that this whole topic is not closed and finished for all time but more like for now. There are other things that need to be focused on and for which I'll need some time.

I appreciate those weeks for showing me my own fears, for letting me face really difficult situations and for getting to know myself so much more. There were awesome moments and really hard ones. I'm thankful for all of them.

And what it taught me most than everything else is: To appreciate all the things I have, the people who surround me and the possibilities I'm facing. Because even if I knew I had it good, India took my understanding of it to a totally new level.

And thank you for your comments and for reading all the things I wrote. Getting your feedback meant a lot to me and I'm happy that I was able to share everything with you!

3 Kommentare:

  1. tut gut es jetzt wirklich loszulassen. Und wirklich tausend dank für die Unterstützung *herz*

  2. Da hast Du ja etwas sehr wichtiges gelernt - Deine eigenen Grenzen. Auch das ist Gold wert!

    1. Ganz vielen Dank! Ja stimmt...aber es ist echt ein Brocken an erfahrung ^^'
