My mums boyfriend turned 50. We had quite a lot of people over on Saturday so my mum got a bit nervous about all the preparations. So (as for I didn't already spent the rest of my week in our kitchen) we spent Friday and Saturday there as well. It turned out quite fun since my mum is just as sunny and positive as I am (no sarcasm intended here :D). With the only exception: The kitchen. So it went on with her preparing for the worst and me trying to calm her down. Nothing went wrong on her side of the recipe turned out quite different than expected (and planned) but, oh well.
Her boyfriend had requested cupcakes or anything cupcake-shaped-like (from me) so cupcakes it had to be. I worked with this recipe from {never}homemaker but made a few changes (again. Maybe I should just learn to stick to recipes?!)
For the cupcakes: I have to admit I'm still a bit unsure if I actually like them or not. They are super moist (too moist?) and gooey. On the other hand I like moist and they weren't too sweet, which is definitely a plus. And after all, everyone really seemed to like them and I got two people asking for the recipe. (So I guess it's probably just me again, haha).
A second plus: After I applied my frosting (which was another disaster. Quite a lot of disasters with my baking this time. Though they all turned out well...) I had a few cupcakes left and as it turned out: They are simply awesome for cake pops!
Trust me!!
I've tried cake pops before and didn't like them. It was hard to make them, the chocolate would not stick to my cake pops or would cause them to fall of their sticks and I didn't like the taste.
Those were just perfect!!! Anyway here we go with my now disaster-proof recipe:
Makes about 28 small cupcakes
Pear Chocolate Cupcakes (adapted from{never}homemaker)
- 6 tablespoons pear compote
- 1 1/2 (350ml) cups milk (I could imagine that 1 cup (236ml) would work just fine as well)
- 1 egg
- 1 little flask of vanilla essence (suited for 500gr of flour)
- 1 tablespoon white vinegar
- 2 (240gr) cups flour
- 2/3 (75gr) cup cocoa powder
- 1/2 (115gr) cup brown sugar
- pinch salt
- 2 teaspoons baking powder
- Preheat your oven to 180°C/350°F
- Beat together the pear compote, the egg, the vinegar and the vanilla essence.
- Combine all dry ingredients.
- Alternating with the milk, add the dry ingredients to your pear mixture.
- Fill into forms and bake for approximately 20 minutes.
The original recipe is in a peanut-butter-cupcake-style (I definitely will have to try out those later!!). But I had accidentally mistaken my pear compote for apple sauce and wasn't quite sure if this would go well with peanut butter (what do you think?) so I decided to go for the whole pear thing.
Apparently my idea to mix the rest of my compote in my cream cheese frosting wasn't such a great idea at all. I got this runny, funny looking something in my bowl which would do everything but definitely not set to any sort of frosting.
What I did than was accompanied by many concerns from my mum but it just worked out surprisingly perfect. I used vanilla pudding...
- 200 ml milk
- 1 sachet vanilla pudding
- cream cheese mixture (Mine was 1 package cream cheese (200gr), 1 package (500gr) icing sugar and about 4 tablespoons pear compote....crazy sweet!!!)
- Prepare vanilla pudding according to instructions (Simply Go for 200ml of milk instead of 500ml since you're going to add your cream cheese mixture)
- Let it cool down for a bit (I'm horribly impatient so I could have probably waited longer...but who wants to wait, right!?)
- Beat together.
- Spread over your cupcakes.
If you want to go for the cake pops (and I highly recommend doing that!!) simply mix together your already baked dough with cream cheese (Sorry no quantity here. Just go for your preferred texture). Form small balls and let them rest one hour in your fridge.
Insert a wooden stick and dip in melted white chocolate. Decorate. Easy peasy!!
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yeah I know...quite messy.... |
Since our house is really small we had to go into my mums studio. I loved it
Birthday table No. 1 |
Happy Birthday!! (I love this sign, we have it for as long as I can think (though I actually think my mum replaced it once since it consisted of more scotch tape than actual letters)) |
Mis-matched chairs ♥ |
Birthday table No. 2 |
And more mis-matching ♥ |
We had a total of four cakes, my cupcakes and cake pops...quite some baking I tell you |
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♥♥♥ |
ah! Die cake pops sehen gut aus! Erinnerst du dich an meine noch?
AntwortenLöschen(Foto auf meinem blog vom letzten Valentinstag)
die fand ich auch nich so geil..XD vlt probier ich dieses Jahr mal dein Rezept aus...<3
Viele Grüße, Johanna
jaaa ich erinner mich noch! Die sahen aber richtig gut aus...aber ich verstehs...wie gesagt die davor waren auch alle eher so das ich dachte ich hätte den kuchen lieber als kuchen gegessen ^^'
Löschen:) Ich wohne etwa 20 Min Autofahrt von Glasgow entfernt, aber Pollok Park ist am anderen Ende der Stadt. Und ich finde das Buch gut, es ist für Teens, aber etwas anders als das übliche Lesefutter für Teenies.
Oh wow das stelle ich mir toll vor!! Und nach dem Buch muss ich mich dann mal grunde gibt es ja nicht wiiirklich schlechte bücher in dem sinne :D
Das sieht aber bunt, lustig und appetitlich aus. Bestimmt war der Geburtstag ein voller Erfolg.
AntwortenLöschenAuch von mir liebe schottische Gruesse,
Danke :) und ganz liebe Grüße nach Schootland zurück ;)
LöschenJa, das war wirklich eine aufregende Sache - und neben Muffins und Cakepops hab ich in unserer kleinen Küche eine Fünfzig gebacken aus zweieinhalb Rezepten Frankfurter Kranz. Hm! (gibt es davon eigentlich auch ein Photo?) Danke für deine Hilfe und schönen Photos und witzigen Kommentare. Ich muss beim Lesen nochmal genausoviel lachen wie beim Tun. Und es ist ein richtig schönes unperfektes rundes Fest geworden!
hahaha ja von deiner 50 gibts auch bilder ;) und soooo unperfekt war es doch gar nicht! Ich finde es war perfekt! Perfekt anders! :D ♥