Sonntag, 4. Dezember 2011

DIY: Magnets

So this is a really easy project. 
Last week I was at my friend's place. We have a game-night once in a while and she was opening her "Malzbier" when I saw the cap lid. 
It had a cute motive from Tim&Struppi on it, all wonderful old and retro. I fell for it the minute I saw it. So I asked her if I could keep it and because she knows me well, she offered to keep the others as well when their bottles are opened. 
So I ended up with 5 wonderful bottle caps and while I was thinking what to do with them I looked at my magnet board. Yep. Done. 5 new magnets for my board.

So. To do it: I first removed this little plastic thing inside.

There will be glue still sticking to the lid but since I'm planning to put even more glue on it, it does not matter.
With one of the round plastic things, draw a circle on some paper.This is my stencil. Since my cardboard wasn't so thick I cut two circles for each lid. 10 in total.
Glue them to the back of the lid.

You can see the other cardboard circles waiting for their glue pattern :)
Add the magnet (I used my hot glue gun) Let it dry.
I think it would even be cute to do it with the normal bottle caps and start a collection. Or is this weird?

2 Kommentare:

  1. Na, die Zettel und der Button kommen mir ja bekannt vor...;)
    Ich wollte die Kronkorken auch unbedingt haben...aber ich trinke kein Malzbier...Dilemma!!!! XD Schöne Idee...ich hab son ähnliches Projekt auf meinem Tisch liegen auch mit Korken..aber man kommt ja zu nix...XD
    Schön, dass du jetzt auch "online" bist, weiter so!!! Ganz viele DIY Projekteeee! Grüüüße! :*

  2. ach ja genau: Der wundervolle Button/Magnet ist von dem ebenso wundervollen ;)
