Freitag, 27. Juli 2012


I'm officially in love with smoothies. Especially if the weather just gets hotter and hotter...
I don't have a real to go recipe but just look for what's on hand. The only important thing is: You'll always want to use some fruits that make it "smoothie"-like. Those are for example bananas, pineapple, pears, apricots... If you only use "juice"-fruits you won't get the texture your looking for in a good smoothie.

So what we had on hand was:
  • apricots
  • frozen pineapple
  • fresh mint
  • maple syrup
  • buttermilk
  • ginger
Mix together. Lay back and enjoy your day :)

Amazing smoothie recipes also all over pinterest and here

Donnerstag, 26. Juli 2012

Start your day {mymuesli}

Summer suddenly came by to say hi.
I actually don't like this blasting heat but oh well. So here's something I love to start my day with. Cool, refreshing, energizing...perfect to start any hot day ;)

This is just a rough outline for it. Frozen berries, chocolate, muesli, dried fruits and nuts are keepers but I make variations on the accompanying fruits (e.g. bananas, apples etc.) and my yogurt is either plain yogurt or Greek yogurt or (this time) a mixture of 1,5% fat yogurt and low fat quark.
Chop. Mix together and enjoy. (And any different style works just as well!)

And to make it perfect,  add some maple syrup at the end (love that!)

I wish you all a wonderful morning :)

Montag, 23. Juli 2012

Work in progress

Ausmisten (altes Schulzeug und ungetragene Klamotten), neu sortieren, aufräumen...desswegen heute nichts Kreatives...*work*

Samstag, 21. Juli 2012

Saturday {morning}

Arbeiten am Wochenende. Aber das hindert einen nicht daran den schönen morgen *hust* zu genießen. Oder?!

Katzenbegrüßung am Morgen (vom chaotischen Näh-Schreibtisch...)
Ändert leider nichts an dem eher wenig erfreulichen Wetter...
Aber mein Müsli ist definitiv Laune-hebend :)
Und das ganze frische Obst auch!!
Ich wünsche euch allen ein wunderschönes Wochenende und hoffentlich auch bald mal schöneres Wetter...bitte!!

Donnerstag, 19. Juli 2012

The crane project {Mouries, Provence}

As it was a new city last week...or more like a new village...I had to do my crane project again.
But here's the thing: I invented the crane project because I wanted to add colour and awareness. But this place is, at least for me, everything a place could be. It did not feel right to go the way I normally would, considering my project. So I changed it a bit.

This time it is just one crane. I took a simple white paper and wrote everything on it I wish for. Not the stuff like a watch, a book or something. But things I hope I will manage one day. Like help others. Be open for new things. Learn. Be aware of my surroundings. Don't be restrained by prejudices...I wrote it all down and made a crane...

...a crane for me.

I know life will be rough at some points...

There might be big rocks in my way...or more like mountains....

I'll feel lost and alone...

But I'll never forget that I want to fly...

I want to climb trees and rocks and everything that lies in my way...

And I also know that there will be always something to stop me flying too high...

And a place I can go to, to find comfort and to stay. A base for me to start from again and again and make mistakes, learn, be open and experience life.

Mittwoch, 18. Juli 2012

Random {flower studies and wonderful warm mornings}

Ein wundervoller warmer Morgen mit langen Röcken und Katzen-Küssen...

...und schon immer habe ich mich gefragt wie die wohl aussieht wenn sie eine Frucht wird...

In Frankreich herausgefunden!

Und nachdem ich jetzt erfolgreich meinen Internationalen Führerschein (samt häßlichstem(!) Foto meiner persönlichen Foto Geschichte...zum Glück wird das nicht viel gesehen..und die überflüssigen Bilder werden feierlichst vernichtet!!) abgeholt habe, wird an einem wichtigen schon länger anstehenden Projekt gearbeitet. Drückt die Daumen. Vielleicht wirds ja heute endlich endlich fertig!

Dienstag, 17. Juli 2012

Montag, 16. Juli 2012

Birthday weekend {Chocolate-fruit-layer-cheesecake}

So I arrived safely back home on Friday. It was good to get away from everything but as much as I enjoyed some "out-time" I'm happy to have everything back to normal now and start with my hilarious long To-Do-List (Did I mention I'm addicted to lists?...well if not: Here we go: I'm addicted to them!)
I started my list during my holidays since random things, which needed to be done, appeared in my mind (and I'm always scared to forget the really important stuff...).

And since blogging is listed as well (I also list the stuff I enjoy doing...) We might just start with it :)

This weekend was our "Birthday-weekend" It was my dad's girlfriend on Friday, my niece yesterday and my mum today. Lots and lots of birthday wishes...
 So since it is my mum and I'm in a total cake-mood I attempted some cake-experimenting today.
Warning: Photo-Overload!

I was in the mood for something new. And also very specific about it.
It had to be cheesy, cake-like and fruity. So here we go.

 I used a cake batter recipe I had already used before. I loved it back then, it was just that the cream it came with was ways too heavy for my taste. So this time I only went with the batter (I used half of the recipe amount).

For my cheesecake-chocolate-cream I used this recipe without the cookie-crumb-base. The amount of cream was perfect! Easy peasy...
(In English: You'll need130gr of white-, dark- and normal chocolate, 250gr cream cheese, 250gr mascarpone and 50gr creme fraiche. Mix together the moist ingredients,divide into three. Melt chocolate and mix together each with one portion of your cream)

You'll also need: One big can of nectarines and 500gr fresh strawberries.

Make your batter.

I put the cake back in the fridge in between the different steps so the cream would set.
For separating the halves just use a nylon thread.
And I made sure my fruits were dried well so they wouldn't soak the cake completely.

Update: After assembling the cake and eating it I would recommend to put the first layer of fruits between the first two chocolate layers (not on top of them). It just makes the cake easier to eat.

The original cheesecake-cream-recipe calls for a "cream-pipe" (How do you actually call them...?) But I just went with the simple spoon method. Anyway wonky works just fine for me. However you could make it less wonky by using those pipes-things (The ones I used for the top decoration...).

Happy Birthday Mum :)

In between {a bracelet post}

In between (I'm working on a huge cake right now (It's my mums birthday!!) more on it later...)

...I love bracelets

You can never ever have enough bracelets ;)
For the bottom one: Link. This one is a simple braid with threaded crimp beads.
The one after that one: Link
And the purple golden one: Link
The blue one is friend-made and the leather one is a bought ones. 

And just because I've got something for brothers are two years younger than wouldn't notice, would you?!
first brother, second brother and my hand looks tiny...

Donnerstag, 12. Juli 2012

12 von 12 {Juli}

So. Nachdem ich letzten Monat einmal nicht mitgemacht habe bin ich diesen Monat wieder dabei. Und das sogar aus dem Urlaub :)

Frühstück ganz französisch
Aber weil es Morgen schon wieder zurück geht: Erste Pack-Aktionen
Auf dem Weg den Briefkasten suchen...
Und nein, dass ist keine Brosche. Aber Ja, ich habe meiner Meinung nach die Medaille für außerordentliche Tapferkeit verdient! Kaltblütig die Kamera gezückt!!
Der Briefkasten ist gefunden...hoffen wir das meine Postkarten ankommen werden (ja, ich habe einige erst am letzten Tag abgeschickt...)
Sehr zufrieden mit der erweiterten Bändchen Auswahl und der neuen-alten-NY-Hose 
Spazieren in alten Erinnerungen

Wunderschöne Kirchenfenster
Weil heute ein besonderer Tag ist :)
Atmosphäre genießen
Und danach im Schatten der Bäume Mittagessen mit der Familie :)

Jetzt muss nach letzten Einkäufen nur noch gepackt werden und dann freue ich mich auch wieder auf die Heimat.
Alle anderen gibt es wie immer bei Frau Kännchen :)

Mittwoch, 4. Juli 2012

Summer holiday

Silence due to holidays in France. I hope you all do enjoy your time as well :)